1.1. If Paco hadn't been talking to his family he would have read a book

We are sure you can deduce by yourself how to form negative sentences in the past perfect continuous tense. Anyway, here you have some extra information for your knowledge.

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The following pattern is used for the past perfect progressive negative sentences:
Subject + auxiliary verb (had) + not + past participle + verb taking -ing + complement(s).
See an example: 

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1) The children _______________ (to shout) before their parents arrived.

2) The students _______________ (to do) their homework in the evening when their parents arrived.

3) Mary _______________ (to set) the table home for lunch before they came.

4) My father _______________ (to wash) his car before the journey.

5) I _______________ (to tidy) my room before my mother came home.


Complete the sentences with the negative form of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Progressive in the negative form.

1) Alex and Andrés (to play) tennis when Sonia phoned.

2) They (to cycle) in the park yesterday evening when you saw them.

3) Sonia (to teach) English when we met her at school.

4) My brother (to study) hard enough for the Maths exam when his teacher arrived.

5) The students (to work) for the project before their friends came.



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Past perfect continuous with conditional clauses


The past perfect continuous may be used in the third type of conditional. What's important to remember about this conditional?

a) The verb in the if-clause is in the past perfect tense.

b) The verb in the main clause is in the perfect conditional.

c) The time is past and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in the if-clause didn't happen.

Let's see an example:

If it hadn't been raining, we would have played football in the park with our friends.


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Click here if you need further information about the past perfect continuous in the negative form.